Saturday, September 13, 2008

The One With Sickness Rule

While people have no problem sleeping whole day, poor me can't even have an hour good nite sleep. I feel awful, food that I usually crave now drives me away and my favorite porns turn me off. Worse of all, it comes with coughing..... is there anything else deadlier than this? It had tortured me more than 3 WEEKS, not 3 seconds, 3 minutes, 3 hours and 3 days, but 3 freaking WEEKS. In the other hand, assigments are piling like Everest since what is in your mind is to get some rest. There are a few things that I can do to get rid of it

1. Counsult a GP

I need to consult a GP, but they fucking need me to make an appoinemnt first,
leaving me no choice but to wait my natural body defense mechanism to do their jobs. The fact is that how long??????????

2. Buy Cough medicine

I want to buy some cough medicine from the chemist, but without a doctor's presription? Sigh...I think they will sell me cough candy instead of medicine.

3. Sleep

Darn it, this had always been my favorite moves. But the fact is that, my body wont let me.

4. ????

This will be last assortment since non of the above works. I read some websites about coughing and there is one not medically proven method I can try. DIY cough concoction. I wander if it works, but the formular is relatively simple and I persoanlly feels that it wont cause any harm. Here is the formula

All you have to do is dissolve the salt into a glass of warm water then glup glup glup...and say a little prayer, poooooofff you are heal (hopefully). =(


WaN HoE said...

I hate salt water, seriously -_-

Jye ('Jake') said...

i hate too, but there is no alternatives

StidiAku said...

Wishing that you'll recover soon, Jake. It's cold in Tassie. Take plenty of warm water & stock up on Vitamin C always. It'll help you resist common ailments.

Tim's dad

WaN HoE said...

wah han fuk lo Jake :P

Jye ('Jake') said...

Thanx for the advice, I feel better now =D